
Pocket full of whispers. eBook


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Pocket full of whispers eBook

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Pocket full of Whispers eBook this little book of poetry is dedicated to all my close friends and family. And to all the extraordinary people who have influenced and enhanced my life in ways I never could have imagined possible. With more than just thanks to Peter Beverley, Bob Frith, Paul Kershaw, Katerina and Ankaret El Haj, Xochitl Tuck, Laura Barnes, Lorna Barter, Cam Ringel, Penny and Shadow and Dave from Tottenham Chances, Kitty Reford, the Sidcup and Bexley crew, Jill Penny, Fiona Frank, Wendy and Chris Pointon from Market Rasen, Poet Razz and all at Survivors Poetry.

Pocket Full of Whispers eBook a life time wait over at last i have the opportunity to present my first collection.


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Product Details

ISBN 9781326452537
Edition First
Published 22 October 2015
Language English
File Format ePub
File Size43.45 KB

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