There is a Tune


There is a Tune

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There is a Tune

Cathy Flower Poet for Life

There is a Tune my first  collection with William Cornelius Harris Publishing

There is a Tune is the new release of poetry by Cathy Flower Poet for Life.  Cathy arrived in London in 2004. Since her arrival, she has performed here extensively. How did it start? “It all began for me in Sydney, racing up a hill in Darlinghurst to put my name down in the open-mic at a pizza bar on Oxford Street in 1991. I made it. My blood was inspired. Poetry and I remain”.

There is a Tune is Cathy’s third book of poetry, dealing with urban pains and enlightening strains but with a dash of hope, enchantment and survival. Preceding poetry volumes by Cathy Flower include Blue Poetry (2013) and Poetry is the Sight Within: 8 Short Poems (2010)


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Product Details

ISBN 9780993229329
Edition first
Publisher William Cornelius Harris publishing
Published tba
Language English
Pages 52
Binding Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.13 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 14.81 wide x 20.98 tall

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